Our commitments
A team at your service
Do you have a comment? A suggestion? Would you like to tell us about your experience in our area? Don’t hesitate to contact us on +33 (0)4 50 58 80 52 or by e-mail at [email protected]. You can also leave a review on our TripAdvisor or Google page or fill in our online satisfaction questionnaire!
The Quality approach
Since 2015, the Passy Tourist Office has obtained the Qualité Tourisme state brand. This brand is renewed every 5 years and different audits are carried out every 3 years to ensure its follow-up. This approach ensures the continuous improvement of our services.
Our Qualité TourismeTM commitments:
- To provide you with an easily accessible reception and information area
- To provide you with free, personalised information on the local tourist offer
- To take into account your opinions, remarks and suggestions, and to measure your satisfaction continuously
- To provide you with a friendly and attentive tourist advisor who speaks at least 2 foreign languages
- To guarantee you reliable and up-to-date tourist information
- To provide you the same quality of welcome and tourist information, whether at our office, by phone, email, post or via our social networks
- To implement an internal continuous improvement process
The Qualité Tourisme™ brand federates under the same banner the quality approaches of multiple tourism actors in France: hotels, tourist residences, holiday villages, campsites, restaurants, cafés and brasseries, tourist offices, seasonal rental agencies, places of interest and outdoor activities. It is a guarantee of trust and quality of service between tourism professionals and visitors. To find out more, you can watch the video below and click here.
Category I classification
Since 2016, the Passy tourist office has been classified as Category I. This classification guarantees that the tourist office has the vocation to federate the professionals of the territory and to develop the tourist economy in its area of competence.
Our Category I commitments :
- To provide a reception area that is easily accessible and adapted to all audiences
- Allow you to sit down and give you free access to WiFi
- Be open at least 240 days and/or 1680 hours per year
- Provide a warm and attentive tourist advisor who speaks at least 2 foreign languages
- Guarantee exhaustive, qualified and up-to-date tourist information, referenced on a computerised database, concerning accommodation, tourist sites, events and activities, means of transport and any other service useful for your stay
- To give you access to free tourist information via a responsive website translated into two foreign languages as well as complete, free and up-to-date brochures, maps and tourist plans
- Be committed to a process promoting quality and progress (Qualité Tourisme brand)
- To be attentive to your needs
- To provide a tourist observatory for our area of competence
- Develop and implement a local tourism strategy in collaboration with the local authority
Our commitments to sustainable development
1. Visitor reception, communication and membership management
➯ Welcoming all types of clients
Facilitate the reception of families by setting up a partnership with Travelling Kids for the rental of childcare equipment for visitors and residents
➯ Local life
Relocation of our premises to the heart of the inhabitants (moving the Mountain Store to Chedde)
Creation of a public service within one of the Passy residential centres: sale of Swiss motorway stickers, ski passes, school passes, Parvis des Fiz ticket office
➯ Sustainable tourism: staycation, slowtourism and 4-season tourism
Our target clientele is above all local and regional (Passy/Pays du Mont Blanc /Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes)
Promote a 4-season tourism and diversify the non-skiing activities
Promote and organise live arts shows
Enhance the existing local built heritage as a point of entry for tourists
Passy has been designated by the Association Ville des Alpes 2022 for its commitments
➯ Protection of natural environments
Collaboration with Asters to enhance, preserve and raise awareness of the nature reserves
Limiting the completeness of the hiking and mountain biking offer to avoid overcrowding preserved sectors
➯ Waste management
Collaboration with the SITOM on the promotion of eco-actions among visitors and members
➯ Carbon impact and soft mobility
Registration of the Tourist Office in the Accueil Vélo approach
Encouraging visitors to use public transports (“ski by bus” offer)
➯ Energy impact
Promotion of labels and good practices for our members in their sector
2. Tourist Office shop
➯ Local life and economy
Promotion of local talents and know-how through the shop to visitors and residents alike
➯ Waste management
Reasonable purchase of perishable goods to avoid waste
3. Organisation of events
➯ Local life and economy
Local partnerships: exchange of visibility, services and know-how with local companies in a logic of development of the territory
Canvassing our local talents for participation in our events and animations (holding a stand, invitations to trade fairs, interviews, etc.)
➯ Waste management
Removal of edition numbers and dates on goodies (t-shirts, headbands, caps) and team/volunteer outfits so that they can be reused each year
Collaboration with the SITOM on events and activities (waste recycling)
Recycling of perishable food stocks from the trail on animations and events the rest of the year or donation to the food bank
➯ Carbon impact and soft mobility
Encouraging participants to use public transport or carpooling to get to our events
➯ Responsible purchasing
Purchase of consumable goods from local / short circuits and/or organic and/or Fairtrade suppliers
Purchase of materials from local or regional suppliers as much as possible
➯ Protection of natural environments
Stop organising night-time sports activities to protect wildlife
4. Organisation of the Trail du Tour des Fiz®
Click here to learn more !
5. General/daily operation of the Tourist Office
➯ Local life and economy
Use of local service providers and suppliers in as many cases as possible: printing, gifts, handling, etc.
Participation in the local life of associations (support by lending equipment, communication, advice, partnerships)
The Tourist Office is an association with a Bureau composed of local partners
➯ Reduction of inequalities
Calling on companies of disabled workers or those in rehabilitation for specific missions
➯ Waste management
Reasonable purchase of perishable foodstuffs to avoid waste
Switch to reusable cloths, towels and floor cloths
Recycling of printer cartridges
Selective sorting
➯ Carbon impact and soft mobility
Optimisation of travel for the distribution of brochures/flyers to members
Carpooling/cycling/walking for staff journeys
➯ Responsible purchasing
Purchase of eco-labelled cleaning products
Purchase of paper reams from eco-managed forests
➯ Energy impact
Changing the windows and entrance door of the Tourist Office for better thermal insulation
Moving the Tourist Office to newer and better insulated premises
Charter of eco-actions in the office (electricity, water, meals, travel, storage and data, purchases, printing)
➯ Responsible purchasing
Purchase of a second-hand vehicle and rental of a new vehicle
Purchase of new household appliances A+
6. Human Resources Management of the Tourist Office
➯ Reduction of inequalities
Regular reception of trainees
Hiring of beginners: the Tourist Office is a springboard for juniors
➯ Waste management
Recovery of team outfits after employees leave for reuse by new arriving members
Charter of eco-actions in the office
Selective sorting
➯ Protection of natural environments
Staff training on issues specific to mountain areas: guard dogs, Nature Reserve House, etc.